As a parent you play a key role in your child’s education. The National Council for Curriculum Development (NCCA) has developed a number of resources to help you to support your child’s learning in primary school. Many of these are available in various languages. Take a look at the resources for your child’s class:

Resources for Parents

How Can I Help My Children Learn When They Go To School?

Recent research has shown a strong connection between success in school and the type of support parents can give to their children. The findings of this research emphasise a number of things that you as parents can do to help your children to do well in school.

Your child and the school:

• take an interest in your children’s progress in school.
• talk to them about what happens in school.
• talk to them about what they are learning.
• help your children with their homework in an appropriate way.

Your expectations:

• have high expectations of your children but always recognize their particular strengths and weaknesses.
• praise and encourage them.

Stimulating children and widening their horizons:

• read to your children, tell them stories, and encourage them to talk about the characters in the stories and what happens to them.
• bring your children on outings, to concerts, to plays (including those presented by local amateur groups). and become involved with them in different leisure activities.

Contact with the school:

• have an active and helpful relationship with the school.
• have regular communication with your children’s class teachers.
• participate in and attend school activities.

Related Links:

Curriculum Links

Department of Education and Skills

Scoilnet: Portal for Irish Education

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Special Education Support Service

National Educational Welfare Board

Help my Kid Learn